Home Assistant


The best Tesla experience with the Home Assistant platform

The Home Assistant integration is still in development, and is actively being merged into Home Assistant Core. Using the custom integration is recommend to get the most features and bug fixes.

Install with HACS

The custom integration can be installed manually or using HACS (recommended), and it's documentation can be found at github.com/Teslemetry/hass-teslemetry.

The core integration is available in Home Assistant by default, and it's documentation is available at home-assistant.io/integrations/teslemetry.

A note on automations

When making service calls in automations, its possible that the API call will fail for a variety of reasons, which will stop your automation. For example, calling number.*_charge_limit will throw an error if the new value matches the existing value. In these cases you should include logic to avoid making the unnecessary API call, or add continue_on_error: true.